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Image by Ian Macharia

Together, We are restoring lives and giving girls in Kenya hope for a better future.

The Operations Team

The Faces of Fikia Dada


Margaret Ngina & Nila Ombete

Founders/ Directors

Marggy and Nila are two inspiring women in their early 30’s that share a passion for Community and Empowerment.

Both born in Kenya and experiencing growing up in a judgmental society, these ladies have first-hand seen how important it is to support our young girls and educate them on sexual education, menstrual matters and reaching their dreams.

Nila and Margy have worked with community projects within Kenya for the last 12+ years. Being Project Managers and Volunteer Co-ordinators as well as running their own Reach a Girl sessions in various schools.

During their school visits and meeting a number of young vulnerable girls is what led them to take action and begin Fikia Dada Rescue Centre.

Both parents themselves with young families, believe that spreading awareness and educating our community is key.

“If we can empower one young girl in our Fikia Dada Program and she then goes back into her community, shares her story of the struggles she has faced and how she overcome, she will then inspire others. These young girls will be the change agents of our communities.”


Avril Harkness

Volunteer Co-founder

Avril first visited Kenya in 2011 as a volunteer with her husband Alfie. Since her first trip, they have been back 7 times!

She lives in Ireland and is forever doing her own fundraisers to assist Fikia Dada. She also spends hours of her time sewing re-usable pads for our hygiene kits that we distribute through schools when we hold our Reach A Girl sessions for our young girls.

Avril financially supported us in 2015 to begin our Fikia Dada journey which has now given birth to Fikia Dada Rescue Centre.

Avril has just surprised us with a down payment on a plot of land so we can become more self-sustainable. She is still seeking roughly 2 million KES ($20,000 USD) for us to purchase the land outright. If you can help - please get in contact!

Avril plays a massive role in our team behind the scenes and we wouldn't have come this far without her.

We appreciate everything that Avril has done and continues to do for Fikia Dada. She truly is a blessing to our community.


Brittany Pratt

Volunteer Co-founder

Brittany has volunteered in Kenya on five separate occasions in different community projects.

She first visited in 2014 and has been friends and in contact with Nila & Marggy for 8 years. When Nila and Margy phoned Brit explaining their vision with Fikia Dada Rescue Centre, she jumped on a plane and came straight over to assist. By default, she ended up staying for one whole year and is now known as our Mzungu local. She even speaks kidogo kiswahili.

The girls in our Centre adore Brit and her calm nature, always having a laugh and teaching each other new things.

Brit has a passion for Community and Sustainability. Her mind is always ticking, always thinking long-term whether it be social, economical or environmental.

She is the girl leading our social media accounts, the website, admin, organizing fundraising events and seeking partnerships abroad, you name it!

"It makes my heart so happy knowing that we are creating change and direct impact. These girls are beyond grateful to receive support and an education, and I am beyond grateful to be a small part of helping break the generational cycle of poverty."

Kenyan Board of Directors

Coming soon...

Our International Support Network

Our community of Volunteers across the Sea.


Johanna Ens-MacIver

Johanna is a 23 year old Canadian from British Columbia.

She is currently in her last year of Nursing school in hope to eventually work overseas.

She volunteered in Kenya for a few months in 2019 which led her to meeting Nila and Marggy.

Johanna spent her time volunteering in the local hospital, joining health visits to local tea fields and teaching sexual health to young girls and women in near by schools.

Her passions for womens health and equality grew and led her to joining us.

Alongside the Fikia Dada team Johanna is all about empowering young girls to be strong, independent and strive for their goals.


Building Sisterhood

Bio coming soon....

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